
25 Jun 2014

Love Tester | Love Calculator

Welcome to this great invention of Real True Love Tester Love Calculator By Name Deluxe Widget:

We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not randomly chosen: they all have a meaning. Doctor Love knew this so he made another great invention just for the lonely you!
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work out. Therefore Doctor Love himself designed this great machine for you. With The Real Love Tester | Love Calculator By Name Deluxe Widget you can calculate the probability of a successful relationship between two people. The Real Love Tester | Love Calculator By Name Deluxe Widget is an
affective way to get an impression of what the chances are on a relationship between two people.
About The Real True Love Tester | Love Calculator By Name Deluxe Widget:
With Love Tester you can calculate the probability of a successful relationship between 2 people. Find the chances for you and your dream partner

To find out what the chances for you and your dream partner are, just fill in both full names (both first name and last name) in the two text boxes below, and press Calculate.
Please enter the two names to be analyzed:

*Love Tester | Love Calculator*

+ =

If you want to Embed this Real True Love Tester | Love Calculator Widget on your Website or Blog simply just copy this code and past it to your website or blog. where you wanted to post.

How To Add In Blogspot?

1.) Go To Your
2.) Open Your Desire Blog.
3.) Go To Layout.
4.) Click "Add A Gadget" Where You Want To Add It.
5.) Now Scroll To "HTML-JAVASCRIPT"
6.) Click "+" Icon To Add It.
7.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It To There.
8.) Leave The Title Empty.
9.) Click Save, Now You Are Done.

How To Add In Website?

1.) Just Go To Your HTML File.
2.) Now Copy The Below Code And Paste It Between <body> </body>.
3.) Save It, Now You Are Done.

*Love Tester | Love Calculator*</h1>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
function calc() {
first = document.loveform.name1.value.toUpperCase();
firstlength = document.loveform.name1.value.length;
second = document.loveform.name2.value.toUpperCase();
secondlength = document.loveform.name2.value.length;
var LoveCount=0;
for (Count=0; Count < firstlength; Count++) {
if (letter1=='L') LoveCount+=2; 
if (letter1=='O') LoveCount+=2; 
if (letter1=='V') LoveCount+=2; 
if (letter1=='E') LoveCount+=2; 
if (letter1=='Y') LoveCount+=3; 
if (letter1=='O') LoveCount+=1; 
if (letter1=='U') LoveCount+=3;
for (Count=0; Count < secondlength; Count++) {
if (letter2=='L') LoveCount+=2;
if (letter2=='O') LoveCount+=2; 
if (letter2=='V') LoveCount+=2; 
if (letter2=='E') LoveCount+=2;
if (letter2=='Y') LoveCount+=3;
if (letter2=='O') LoveCount+=1;
if (letter2=='U') LoveCount+=3; 
if (LoveCount> 0) amount=  5-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount> 2) amount= 10-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount> 4) amount= 20-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount> 6) amount= 30-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount> 8) amount= 40-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>10) amount= 50-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>12) amount= 60-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>14) amount= 70-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>16) amount= 80-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>18) amount= 90-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>20) amount=100-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (LoveCount>22) amount=110-((firstlength+secondlength)/2)
if (firstlength==0 || secondlength==0) amount= "Err";
if (amount < 0) amount= 0;
if (amount >99) amount=99;
//  End -->
<form name="loveform">
<input name="name1" size="20" type="text" value="Abhishek Bachchan" /> + 
<input name="name2" size="20" type="text" value="Aishwarya Rai" /> = 
<input name="output" size="6" type="text" value="" />
<br />
<br />
<input name="calculate" onclick="calc()" type="button" value="CALCULATE" />
<br />
<input name="IL_IN_TAG" type="hidden" value="1" />

Search: Love tester games, The Love calculator for kids, true love calculator, love calculator by date of birth real love calculator, love compatibility, love meter, love calculator flames, love quizzes, free love score, love percentage calculator by name, love name compatibility, love match test, compatibility calculator, name compatibility love test, love calculator date of birth, zodiac love calculator.
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